Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I should have done this earlier...

I really meant to do this on Tuesday, but I've been having trouble sleeping. Plus D took the day off today and we ended up having a really weird day where lots of things got done, but not the things that we had planned on getting done...I think it's just one of those weeks. In spite of all is fitness day!!! Hooray!

So...I know it can be a drag to workout or you just don't feel like you have time...or your toddler has figured out about sliding doors and doorbells and you're half tempted to put him in the dog cage just so you can finish your workout...sometimes. Thankfully my son thinks that mommy working out is amusing so once he realizes what's going on he's happy to divide his time between shaun the sheep and feeding me cereal. Anyway. I know it can be hard, but not if it's something you enjoy doing.

I made my new years resolution in January. I spent that month making a plan and started working out in February. I didn't like it at all. So I spent the next few months scouring Pinterest (I love Pinterest) and trying out different things. I now have a workout plan/schedule that I enjoy, for the most part, and seems to be working. Today I managed to get on my largest pair of pre pregnancy pants which previously I couldn't get over my butt let alone to button them. I was marveling at some of my smaller shorts and how I was ever so little when I was pulling out my summer clothes.

There are 2 things I know about working out: 1. You're body needs to rest! Yes, you can work out every day. Yes, you are more likely to injure yourself if you do.
2. Stay hydrated! I'm drinking 32 oz of liquid every day. That way I'm not bloated and I'm eating less. Water fills you up. Plus you're at least 60% water. If you're sweating it out you need to replace it.

I say I'm drinking "liquid" because I switched my morning coffee to green tea. I'm fairly intolerant to caffeine so this has actually worked very well for me and it boosts your metabolism, which was why I made the switch in the first place. I mostly drink water. I do not guilt myself into feeling bad for drinking a soda. If I want to drink a soda, I drink a soda. It's not 4 sodas. It's not going to kill me. That's what cheat days are for. That way there is no guilt.

OK so I have a fitness plan. Weird fun fact: I make lists. Nothing would ever get done in my life if not for lists. For some reason checking the little done box on my lists makes me happy. So in my daily planner is my workout schedule. There is one rule: life happens. If life gets in the way things are allowed to be moved as long as they are done that week, unless for some reason it MUST be put off for longer. Don't feel bad for not sticking to the schedule as long as you actually do what you schedule. So my schedule looks like this:

Friday is shopping day and then I rest on the weekend.

Now I think I would have a harder time keeping my schedule if I weren't doing workouts every day still. I know I said rest, but if you're working at McDonald's you are probably putting in more effort than these take in your whole day. In addition to my schedule I'm doing two 30 day workout challenges and one 21 day one because I realized my arms needed some extra attention what with my affinity for tank tops.
I took a look at my problem areas and took considerable notice of my butt and stomach. I'm still trying to figure out how it took me two years to notice how awful I really felt about myself, but that's a whole other topic. So, if you find it difficult to get motivated I suggest picking up a couple of these. They say it takes about 21 days to develop a habit so these are perfect to get you started. I actually track these on a calender and don't allow myself to cross the day off until I've done them.
Here's the link to the ones I'm doing:
This links to the butt challenge, but I'm doing her abs too. I plan on doing the arms and legs the next 30 days. I really enjoy doing them.
This a sort of light arms challenge. I started it several days after the 30 day ones and my arms are way out of shape so I figured it was a good way to get something going.

Now the point of these is not to do them instead of your regular workout, but in addition to it. So on abs day I'm doing my abs workout, abs 30 day, butt 30 day, and my arms if it isn't a rest day. The same thing every other day you workout.

I don't set foot in a gym. I went a few times with my sister in college and it just isn't my favorite place. I use nothing to minimal equipment. My hand weights are two 32 oz bottles of Fiji water that I refilled and super glued the lids on. For those who are wondering that's 2 lbs of weight each. I have a jump rope and a yoga mat. Everyone can do what I'm doing. The hardest part is getting started.

OK since I was bad I'm going to give you a bonus post tomorrow after I trudge through  my legs workout...or maybe during breakfast ...and then I will give up my secret ( not so secret) ab workouts next. Don't get me wrong it's my favorite I've found, but I do despise lunges. So I hate leg day. Arms happens to be my favorite only because abs take forever. There is a method to my madness. I promise.

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