Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New Routine

So I pretty much revamped my workout routine. I actually do like it a lot better and I'm working out 6 days instead of 4. Which sounds like a lot, but it really isn't. I don't know if it's the change or if it was just time, but I lost an inch and a half off my thighs since starting. It makes me pretty excited about my new routine.

So since I did the 30 day challenges last month I decided I should go ahead and do the arms and thighs as planned. I am modifying squats for single leg extensions in all of the workouts. I'm doing them for lunges too, except for the side lunges. They don't bother me. I have to say my knee has been feeling better since starting this with the modifications as well.

I actually made a few changes to my routine. First of all, I'm now doing full body workouts 3 days a week instead of doing targeted workouts 4 days a week. In addition, I'm also including active rest days in my routine. So 3 days a week I'm doing a light yoga routine. Active rest days allow you to be active while still being kind to your muscles. Yoga is something I've always liked, but if yoga is not for you I'm sure there are other kinds of exercises you can do. I just saw yoga and stopped there. You have to find what's suitable for you. Last of all I added dry brushing to my routine. A lot of people have never heard of it so I'm going to go into detail about it next week.

I like to mix things up so I don't get bored. So I like to have a few routines to switch between. If I get bored I might quit doing my workouts. Variety is the spice of life. I have 2 regular workouts and 2 yoga workouts. I'm switching which regular workout gets done twice each week and I'm switching the yoga workouts from week to week. I haven't really gotten into the habit of doing yoga before bed, but I want to do it. I really want to get my son doing it, but he's rebellious. As most 2 year olds are. He lacks focus.

Let's start with the regular workouts. This one tough, but I love it. I also like it because it has some definitive cardio. Don't forget to sub step ups for burpees here if you have bad knees. I know doing the 50 leg extensions seems like a lot, but it helps to do 25 on each side and split it. So do 10, then 10, then 5 on each side. So much easier that way.

This one is slightly easier, but I do it 3 times instead of 2.

Next is the yoga. If a pose is too hard or you can't go all the way down just do your best or try to find a modified version. It's different for everyone. If you keep at it, it will get easier over time.
This one takes me about 20 minutes to do. It's nice and simple. It's also specifically tailored for sore muscles muscles which makes it a perfect rest day workout.

This one is a group of poses that is geared toward weight loss, but are also ones that I know are fairly beginner friendly.

So next week I'm going to go over dry brushing and I have an article to share about the benefits of yoga. Now I need to get my workout in. We've had a rather unorthodox morning and I'm running behind.

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