Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Last, but not least...Legs

So even tho I've completely changed my workout I'm still giving you my target area workout. Somehow I managed to have sunburn, a cold, and cramps on the same day so I put it off an extra day, but now I'm right on schedule. I'll be working through the week to make it up.

I know I'm bad with the sunburn. I didn't bother with lotion because I hadn't intended to be out as long as I was and just didn't think about putting any on later. I can't even guess how I ended up with a cold.

Legs are a problem area for a lot of people. Thighs specifically. I can attest to that. My calves look phenomenal. My thighs look like cake batter.

I realized my leg workout was probably too intense for me after a couple of weeks so I changed it. So now I have 2 workouts for you. Legs can be difficult. I have a bad knee so lunges, squats, and burpee kill my knee. I can do side lunges fine. Reverse lunges aren't so bad, but my balance sucks so I'm constantly falling trying to do them. They say replace squats with lunges, but if you're like me and lunges are just as bad, you can do single leg extensions. It's basically a short bridge with your leg out straight. I use them for squats and lunges. Burpees also suck. Like a lot. So I do step ups instead. My house has no stairs and my chairs are too high (cuz I'm short) so I just use a stool.

So for beginners I suggest using this workout. I do everything on both sides and add 10 secs. to each of the wall sits. I ran through this twice. Could have easily done it 3 times.

This one is harder. I might like it more if it didn't hurt my knee, but I can only get through it one time.

I like doing the individualized workouts because it's definite focusing on toning the specific areas. Remember though that you can't spot treat fat loss. You can workout your abs as much as you want, but you won't lose more weight from that area just because you work it more. Since my goal is fat loss I'm switching to full body workouts.

I'm doing 2 different sets 3 days a week with 3 active rest days and one full rest day each week. I'm alternating which set I do more each week. I'll tell you more about it next week. Otherwise I'll have nothing to talk about.

Oh my birthday is tomorrow too. May make my husband take me for sushi, but I haven't decided yet. I haven't been there yet, but they do have vegetarian options. I'm just not sure if that's what I want to do. I thought about going to the Toledo zoo, but there is a crazy mayfly infestation going on and I'm not so sure I want to be outside for very long. I almost just want to stay home and watch movies, but that's probably a lame birthday.

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